Team Contract
ECE 3400, Fall 2018 Team # 8
Team Members: Eric, Brandon, Sophie, Henri
Team Procedures
Day, time, and place for regular team meetings: UH142, Friday 11.15-12.05pm, weekly. If necessary, we will have additional meetings on Sundays before 12:30pm at Duffield.
Preferred method of communication in order to inform each other of team meetings, announcement, updates, reminders, problems: Facebook Messenger
Decision-making policy: Talk through disagreements until we agree (ideally unanimous). Failing unanimous agreement, majority rules. If we need to make changes to the team contract, we will discuss at a team meeting with the normal decision making rules.
Method for setting and following meeting agendas: The team leader sets the agenda for each week’s meeting and ensure the team follows the agenda. In order to accomplish our goals, we will wrap up conversations that go over the allotted time and make a decision.
Method of record keeping: We will decide who will do the minutes for any meeting at that meeting. The minutes do not need to be exact, just general notes about what was discussed during the meeting.
Team Expectations
Work Quality:
Project standards: We will have all of our website updates checked by our peers in order to create the best work possible. We expect to complete each week’s tasks the best we can produce given time constraints.
Strategies to fulfill these standards: We will use Facebook Messenger to communicate about our progress. We will tell each other when we begin a task in order to prevent merge conflicts. Individuals or sub-teams will finish their tasks at least a day before the deadline (exceptions may be discussed beforehand). If they do not think they can complete their task in the time frame, they will inform the rest of the group so that the work can be distributed to complete the project successfully.
Team Participation:
Strategies to ensure cooperation and equal distribution of tasks: The team leader will delegate and monitor the status of tasks.
Strategies for encouraging/including ideas from all team members (team maintenance): The team leader asks everyone individually for additional ideas.
Strategies for keeping on task (task maintenance): We will try the app Trello, a virtual to-do list, in order to monitor the necessary deadlines and tasks happening.
Preferences for leadership (informal, formal, individual, shared): We will try formal leadership and see how it goes. If the leader has a particularly busy schedule it is acceptable to distribute the leader’s tasks like making meeting agendas.
Personal Accountability:
Expected individual attendance, punctuality, and participation at all team meetings: We will attend meetings, be punctual, and participate (by contributing ideas/input). If someone is late, we will talk about the parts of the project they aren’t working on in order to continue being productive. Planned absences/lateness (given at least a day’s notice) is acceptable and we can reschedule to times we are all available.
Expected level of responsibility for fulfilling team assignments, timelines, and deadlines: Team members and subteams are expected to finish their assignments a day before the deadline.
Expected level of communication with other team members: We need to let other team members know if we are working on a task (particularly code) or are going to commit changes. If you are not working on something, continue to keep tabs on changes being made.
Expected level of commitment to team decisions and tasks: Members should be present and participating in weekly meetings. If a majority vote has been reached, even disagreeing members must also work towards the agreed-upon task.
Consequences for Failing to Follow Procedures and Fulfill Expectations
Describe, as a group, you would handle infractions of any of the obligations of this team contract: We will bring up the issue in Facebook Messenger (or the next meeting, depending on which is more immediate). We should be candid and upfront but respectful.
Describe what your team will do if the infractions continue: We will first talk to the individual, and depending on the response, we will reach out to the course staff.
Team Leadership
Every person on the team will have to take the role as a leader. The role of the leader will be to organize meetings and make sure that everything is submitted in a timely manner. Please note here who will be responsible when:
Week 1-4 (Start-up, Lab 1, Milestone 1): Brandon Quinlan
Week 5-8 (Lab 2, Lab 3, Milestone 2): Sophie He
Week 9-12 (Lab 4, Milestone 3): Eric Tang
Week 13-16 (Milestone 4, competition, final report): Henrietta Clarke
a) I participated in formulating the standards, roles, and procedures as stated in this contract.
b) I understand that I am obligated to abide by these terms and conditions.
c) I understand that if I do not abide by these terms and conditions, I will suffer the consequences as stated in this contract.
1) Henrietta Clarke 8/31/18
2) Eric Tang 8/31/18
3) Sophie He 8/31/18
4) Brandon Quinlan 8/31/18